That friggin rocked XD
Even though it was incomplete, it made me laugh so much XD
Seriously, I reckon you should finish this if you can, it'd rock :D
That friggin rocked XD
Even though it was incomplete, it made me laugh so much XD
Seriously, I reckon you should finish this if you can, it'd rock :D
It's Ridge racer!
Riiiiiiiidge racer!
Oh man that's still funny XD
Kudos on this flash, I like the graphic style of this :D
Ridge Racer. Gets them every time. Thanks for commenting!
You could work on the graphics and sound, but it did make me laugh quite a bit, nice job :D
Heheheh, that was great!
Great work! That MSN bit was the best, ^_^
Thats so cute ^_^
Heheh, difinitly something unique... and so figgin' cute too! Nice stuff!
Ack! He's evil!
Ahhhh! D:
heheh, crazy movie XD
Very funny flash! Awesome slick animation too! Very nice!
Well... Great job with this flash...
I think we can all learn a lesson from this, can't we?
Whoa... that was pretty intense...
It was great! You can draw pretty great! Great anthro style characters n stuff... The bird announcer guy made me laugh for some reason XD Great job!
Sup dawgs...
Joined on 1/18/05